Svelte function-based KaTeX
Inline math (static):
Inline math (dynamic):
Display math:
Source code
import { math, display } from 'mathlifier';
let n = 2;
$: xN = `x^{${n}}`;
Inline math (static): {@html math('A = \\pi r^2')}
Inline math (dynamic): {@html math(xN)}
Display math: {@html display(xN)}
<button on:click={() => n++}>Reactivity: increase exponent</button>
Implement this
To implement this approach, either install the KaTeX library or our Mathlifier wrapper.
Using Mathlifier
Install the Mathlifier library
npm i mathlifier
Importing and using Mathlifier
import { math, display } from 'mathlifier';
<!--inline math example-->
{@html math('ax^2+bx+c=0')}
<!--display math example-->
{@html display('ax^2+bx+c=0')}
Insert KaTeX Stylesheet
Just like in KaTeX, we will need to add a stylesheet. Refer to the KaTeX Documentation for more details, or add the following into the head element.
<!--in the head element of app.html-->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-MlJdn/WNKDGXveldHDdyRP1R4CTHr3FeuDNfhsLPYrq2t0UBkUdK2jyTnXPEK1NQ" crossorigin="anonymous">
Using KaTeX
Install the KaTeX library
npm i katex
Importing and using KaTeX
import katex from 'katex';
<!--inline math example-->
{@html katex.renderToString('ax^2+bx+c=0')}
<!--display math example-->
{@html katex.renderToString('ax^2+bx+c=0', {displayMode: true})}
KaTeX Stylesheet
<!--in the head element of app.html-->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-MlJdn/WNKDGXveldHDdyRP1R4CTHr3FeuDNfhsLPYrq2t0UBkUdK2jyTnXPEK1NQ" crossorigin="anonymous">